Non preoccuparti di cosa sta per fare qualcun altro.
Il miglior modo per predire il futuro è inventarlo.

Alan Kay

Egitto. Ecco perchè gli islamisti non devono stare in Parlamento


egittoDemocracy, as defined by the Oxford English Dictionary, is “a system of government in which all the people of a state or polity… are involved in making decisions about its affairs, typically by voting to elect representatives to a parliament or similar assembly”. Theocracy is the “government of a state by immediate divine guidance or by officials who are regarded as divinely guided.” It’s true that modern democracy is not as shining as it must be. It is enough to think about the lobbies who are manipulating the public through the media. But at least it’s best than theocracy. To play democracy you must accept the rules of the game. You cannot pretend playing democracy while you are preparing for your theocracy. The Islamists with all their factions (Muslim Brotherhood, Salafists, etc.) consider democracy as a stair to be used once to establish their Caliphate. The Islamists have always a plan B: the Jihad. If we will not rule through ballot boxes, we will use the weapons to implement our plan. The Islamists main target is to impose the Law of God (or what they think to be the Law of God) without any consideration to the people’s opinion. According to them, the Utopia will be achieved when all women will be covered with this black tent. Who can convince them that this vision is just nightmares of a sick minded person? The Islamists don’t believe that all people are equal. You have Muslims and you have Christians. You have veiled women and you have unveiled women. You have Sunnis and you have Shiites. You are not free to be a Yazidi or an atheist. A Muslim is not allowed to renounce to his faith exactly as a slave who cannot be freed from his master. Let the people be free to believe or not to believe! (this is the Koran).


The Islamists are not allowed to play democracy until they accept these principles:

Democracy = the rule of the people and not the rule of God

Democracy is not equal or an alternative to Jihad

Democracy is not equal to any type of discrimination


Until this moment, the Islamists must be far away from the parliament. You want to play with us, accept our rules because these rules are the foundations of the human civilization. Or tell me, why the communist party is not allowed in the United States? Some innocent Americans think that the Islamists are so aggressive because of lack of democracy in their countries. They are unable to notice that the seed of aggressiveness is implanted in the roots of those islamists’ ideology. But who can understand or who wants to understand? I have to add that the “Arabic renaissance” is born in Syria, Lebanon, Iraq and Egypt. What is remaining from Syria and Iraq? What is happening in Lebanon under the Huzbullah militias? And what are they trying to do with Egypt? Few hours ago, “the political parties affairs committee” referred the accusation presented by the “No for religious parties” campaign to the prosecutor general to be examined and to take legal actions. According to the constitution, no religious parties are allowed in Egypt. Will we follow the constitution or will we obey to the “king”?


Paul Attallah


Il Cairo

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