Il guaio del nostro tempo è che il futuro non è più quello di una volta.

Paul Valéry

Il blog di Paul Attallah/ Turkey migrant ‘blackmail’


Officials in Brussels offered Turkey £2.5billion and visa-free travel by June if it clamps down on the number of migrants making their way into Europe through its borders.

The deal sparked fears Turkey is on its way to becoming a full member of the EU and could lead to an large number of migrants arriving in Britain.

Presidential adviser and a member of Turkey’s parliament for the ruling AK Party, Burhan Kuzu, said: “The European Parliament will discuss the report that will open Europe visa-free for Turkish citizens. If the wrong decision is taken, we will send the refugees (back to Europe).”


Migrant crisis: Germany warns Turkey against ‘blackmailing EU’


Europe should ignore Turkey’s ‘visa blackmail’ over refugee deal – German vice chancellor


Soldiers replace police as embassy guards in Vienna to help tackle refugee crisis


Russian helicopter on Aleppo aid mission shot down, all 5 aboard dead (VIDEO)


Ignoring Bashar al-Assad with a few euphemisms

Before heading to Moscow for talks with his Russian counterpart Sergei Lavrov, US Secretary of State John Kerry said that Washington and Moscow have an “understanding” on what needs to be achieved in Syria.

Stopping short from giving further details on how to allow the “quiet business” of peacemaking to continue on Syria”, Kerry said, following his meeting with Lavrov, that the agreed-upon American-Russian steps on the Syrian war are not based “on trust” but they define the “specific sequential responsibilities all parties to the conflict must assume.”

The American-Russian understanding on Syria, as clarified briefly by Kerry, is on coordinating the fight against the al-Qaeda affiliate Al-Nusra Front and halting the Syrian regime’s bombing of Aleppo and other cities. But this understanding is definitely half-finished and will be short-lived, simply because it is not focused primarily on the Syrian war’s most complicated issue: Bashar al-Assad’s fate.



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